The degree summarises every aspect of student progression through the course. The thesis and project presentation is built around four key elements:
A selection of projects carried out during Phase 2.
The company internship, whether in France or abroad, and where applicable, time spent at an international university partner of ENSCI.
The thesis is based on a six-month exploration of a topic chosen by the student, who will have been supported throughout this adventure by a thesis leader (thesis leaders may be drawn from a broad range of different disciplines). Many different fields are explored, and express the diversity of design practice, the individual approaches of students, and potential responses to societal, historic or aesthetic problems. The primary benefit of the thesis is therefore to take students one step further in their commitment to position their talents in the context of the future world.
The degree project is the tangible outcome of analysis, thought and creativity around individual students’ own choice of design challenge. It must assert the positioning of the individual within, and relative to, a cultural, aesthetic and social context. It explores possible future fields of application for textiles, reveals new uses, and puts forward a coherent, understandable and personal three-dimensional design proposition. The degree project is a practical achievement developed out of researching materials, colours, textile structures and product intentions; it must also demonstrate expertise in textile construction techniques as part of a creatively innovative design project.
In accordance with the appropriate regulation, entry to the industrial design degree course has been possible via the French VAE (validation of prior experience) scheme since the start of the 2007 academic year.
If you wish to apply, please download the application form download the application form.
Request for eligibility on the basis of VAE
Explanatory memo issued by the French Ministry for Employment
The ENSCI-Les Ateliers teaching system is accompanied by a design-oriented talent incubator to promote entrepreneurship among its students.