Each partnership is subject to an agreement between ENSCI-Les Ateliers and the company, setting out its specific goals. Partnerships are implemented on the basis of needs and relevance: trend research, technological innovations, habits and behaviours, ergonomics, problems defined in the form of sketches, boards, documentation or brainstorming videos, research into concepts, positioning and perspectives, and also in the form of idea books, creative boards, roughs, application scenarios, storyboards, functional organisation charts, study models, diagrams and drawings, plans and technical principles.

The project documentation package is also supplemented by communication in the form of boards, drawings, three-dimensional models, videos, multimedia animations, interactive models, etc.

ENSCI requests partner companies to make a financial contribution, the amount of which is agreed jointly based on the scope of the topic, the duration of the partnership and the resources involved in conducting the design study. The payment made to ENSCI contributes to putting in place the resources agreed by the design school to carry out the projects agreed. It includes all the technical costs involved, as well as a contribution to operating costs.

Conditions governing communication and confidentiality of the projects and designs created by ENSCI, such as project ownership or the conditions governing the company’s exploitation of rights to such projects and designs, are also included in the partnership agreement.

On completion of the partnership, and depending on the needs of the company and mutual availability, students whose proposals have been adopted by the partner may become involved in the ongoing development of their projects under agreement-based internships. Other arrangements may be considered, depending on requirements.


The ENSCI teaching model is built around a series of schemes and formats to enable the inclusion of partnership projects.

(see Project Workshops section)

Taking the form of one half-day session every week for 10 weeks each semester, the studios give students the opportunity to test their ability to work solo or in groups on topics and issues directly related to the specific discipline of the studio concerned (e.g. the sound studio). Depending on the specific nature of the topic involved, some partnership projects can be integrated into the studios structure.

Workshop sessions take place at the beginning of each semester, and offer students the opportunity to address ‘short’ topics within an intensive creative format.

(see the Accelerator section)

project workshops

As the main tools for integrating projects from the professional world, the six to seven project workshops oriented towards open explorations bring together about fifteen students each semester around a specific problem defined with the partner.

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How do you put your design skills to work on an everyday basis? This question has been constantly asked and answered over several years through this framework designed to support ENSCI graduates as they enter the world of professional practice.

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