These photographic, video and audio studios concentrate all the skills and equipment needed to shoot, record and edit source material which will then be produced, edited and processed using digital resources. It also offers traditional film development laboratories and printing facilities. This space is designed around the concepts of image and sound capture, composition and broadcast.
By facilitating the cross-fertilisation of drawing, typography, graphic design, photography, video, sound and other media from the earlier stages of the course, the studio promotes inter-disciplinary shared thinking around industrial creativity, and encourages students to explore the full range of media from as many perspectives as there are projects.
The photographic, video and audio resource centre is dedicated to the conception, production and presentation of study projects, knowledge acquisition, the hosting of designers’ projects and research.
The teaching offered through theory and practical sessions, student-led research, creative studio sessions, experimentation and research workshops, seminars and encounters with contemporary artists enables students to gradually absorb the diverse culture of imagery and sound worlds needed to design, produce and present their projects, at the same time as encouraging them to develop contemporary forms and their own critical perspective.