Ezio Manzini à l'ENSCI

Dans le cadre du séminaire "Design et écologie relationnelle", organisé par l'ENSCI – Les Ateliers, ENSA Paris – La Villette et HESAM Université, la conférence inaugurale "Social Innovations and Design - Lessons learned and perspectives " d'Ezio Manzini, Président du réseau international DESIS, et Professeur honoraire en design au Politecnico de Milan, se tiendra à l'ENSCI le 20 septembre à 18h30.

La conférence se tiendra en anglais et portera sur le thème suivant :

Social Innovations and Design - Lessons learned and perspectives

"1. Design began dealing with social innovation about 15 years ago. In those years, in fact, the first signs of what would later become a great wave were observed: at the beginning they appeared as a constellation of grassroots initiatives, implemented by willing and creative people who, working collaboratively, produced unprecedented solutions. Over time many of them have evolved leading to the birth of social enterprises, to institutional changes, and to the definition of programs and policies dedicated to them. All this took place thanks to an intertwining of co-design processes to which various social actors have brought their contribution. Among them is also the design that, progressively, has begun to participate, feeding them with ideas and supporting them with its own tools and specific skills.

2. In the meantime, the world has changed a lot: the environmental and social problems, that 15 years ago were recognized by few, have become evident and tangible for everyone. And then, the pandemic crisis arrived, which made the overall picture even more dramatic. In this new context, new forms of social innovation are emerging: an innovation characterized by a more marked tendency to connect people with the places they live in, thus creating unprecedented communities of place: groups of people active on themes that integrate, more than what has not been done in the past, the social dimension with the ecological one. And that do it by putting in place relationships of care (mutual care between people and between people and their environment) and proximity (closeness between people and everything they need in their daily life)

3. The themes of care and proximity, which were already present in many of the social innovations that we have known up to now, could become central in the new phase that is openingan entire society that has been built around an idea oh efficiency based on specialization, and therefore on social ans spatial separation of functions, is callapsing. New ideas of proximity and cosmopolitanism are emerging. In all this, the technology, which until now has helped to separate functions and increase distances, could change its sign, and contribute to bringing them closer. And the same could be done by design which, if properly addressed, could feed ans ideas, creativity and skills the co-design processes necessary to transform societies built on distance and separation into societies built on proximity and care."


Pendant plus de trente ans, Ezio Manzini a travaillé sur le design pour le développement durable. Son intérêt s’est ensuite porté sur l’innovation sociale, comme approche cruciale pour la transition écologique. Dans ce sens, il a créé le réseau international d’écoles de design DESIS, Design for social innovation and sustainability. Il est actuellement président du réseau DESIS et professeur honoraire au Politecnico de Milan. Il a été professeur invité dans de nombreuses écoles de design à travers le monde, dont récemment à Elisava School of design and engineering (Barcelone), Tongji University (Shangaï), Jiangnan University (Wuxi), University of the Arts (Londres), CPIT (Cape town), Parsons The New school for design (NYC).

Ses derniers ouvrages sont « Design when everybody designs » (MIT Press 2015), « Politics of the everyday » (Bloomsbury 2019), et « Abitare la prossimità. Idee per la città dei 15 minuti » (EGEA 2021).

Pour vous connecter à la conférence en ligne : https://youtu.be/__ShrPnfN1g

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