
A number of scholarships or grants may be available (regional, departmental or local authority). French students have responsibility for making direct contact with the relevant local authorities in their home area. Foreign students should apply to their country of origin via embassies or other organisations.


The Vallet Foundation

The Vallet Foundation was founded in 1999 under the aegis of the Fondation de France with the stated aim of “helping young people who are highly motivated but face serious practical obstacles in continuing their studies”. Recipients of this scholarship are pupils and students of the Académie de Paris, from the second year of their studies at ENSCI, regardless of their geographical origin, and pursuing their studies in art schools selected and supported by the Vallet Foundation. ENSCI is one of these art schools. Eight applications are preselected by the ENSCI Scholarship Committee on the basis of the criteria set by the Foundation (see: The Design School and its constituent bodies). The Vallet Foundation Selection Committee then makes its selection of those who will receive scholarships. Scholarships are paid directly by the Foundation into students’ bank accounts in three equal instalments. ENSCI must keep the Foundation informed of student progress during the year. In exceptional cases, the Foundation may suspend or cancel the scholarship payments for students who are not taking their programme of study seriously or who have dropped out of the design school. Following the end of the first year, the scholarship may be renewed up to three times, subject to the following conditions: progression to the next year of study, achievement of good academic results, regular attendance and an ongoing need for financial support. 

Scholarship renewal: the ENSCI scholarship committee meets in September to pre-approve each application on the basis of the criteria set by the Foundation before submitting each request for renewal. 


The FNAUAC Annual National Emergency Aid Fund

The National Fund of emergency annual help culture FNAUAC is there for students who do not meet the criteria for the award of scholarships based on social criteria in Arts higher education, but who are continually in financial difficulty.
Students with scholarships, those in receipt of unemployment benefit or the RSA earned income supplement, and those enrolled in ongoing education are not eligible for FNAUAC support. To apply to the Annual National Emergency Aid Fund, students must be aged under 35 on 1 September of the year of higher education for which the assistance is requested. 
To receive funding from the annual aid fund:
— students must be estranged from their family
— be able to demonstrate their independence (equivalent to at least three times the French national minimum wage) 
— be returning to full time education after the age of 28


The Regional Aid Programme for International Student Mobility (AMIE)

The Ile-de-France Regional Council enables ENSCI students to access aid for international mobility to any country. Currently, only students whose annual family tax-free allowance is less than €19,190 are eligible.


This programme promotes and encourages European cooperation between higher education institutions. The ERASMUS grant enables students to spend between 3 and 6 months studying in a partner European institution.


ENSCI-Les Ateliers scholarships are managed by CROUS-Paris, as is the case for all higher education institutions approved by the French Ministry of Culture. Applications for scholarships and accommodation must be submitted via the CROUS website for the school in which the applicant was previously a student:
This regional CROUS is the single point of contact for students, who must then request that their application is transferred to CROUS-Paris before he/she enters ENSCI. Higher education institutions approved by the French Ministry of Culture are listed under the heading ‘select a course of study: Art & Architecture education - school diploma’, ‘LMD system courses’. Within three weeks, applicants receive a digital version of their application summarising the information entered via the website. The form must be completed, signed and returned within eight days to the CROUS, enclosing the requested supporting documents. The CROUS will then consider the application and notify successful students of the level and amount of scholarship awarded. Scholarship holders are exempt from paying tuition fees and the CVEC contribution to student and campus life. To enable ENSCI to approve their registration, students must e-mail a copy of their scholarship notification as soon as they receive it. If students are obliged to interrupt their studies for personal reasons during the academic year, the CROUS scholarship will also be suspended.